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Preparing for Good Friday & Easter - Part 4: The Jews Conspire

During Sunday’s worship services, we started a series of “Shadow Readings” to help us prepare for Jesus’ death and resurrection.  If you missed Sunday’s reading or would like to reflect on it further, we are publishing the readings on Friedens’ blog each week. 


Today is Palm Sunday, when we remember what is known as Jesus’ Triumphal Entry.  Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey.  Crowds spread their cloaks on the ground.  They cut tree branches and spread them on the road.  People were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  Hosanna in the highest!”  There was so much joy about who Jesus is and what the crowd expected Him to do!


However, while the crowds were celebrating, Mark 11:19 says “the chief priests and the scribes were seeking a way to destroy Jesus.”  The Jewish leaders were angry, jealous, and scared.  They wanted to silence Jesus, once and for all.  And in a few short days, they would give it their best shot. 


Today, we extinguish a candle to represent the shadow that was hanging over Jesus’ life as He entered Jerusalem and moved one step closer to the cross.


Let’s pray.  Lord Jesus, we praise you for your courage and faithfulness.  Even though you knew people were out to harm you, you stayed true to your mission.  You are an amazing King and Savior.  Thank you.  We pray these things in your name, Amen.

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