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Adult Ministries

Friedens' adult ministries are designed to help people follow Jesus together, experience the life change that Jesus offers, and invest in others' spiritual growth.

Small Groups & Bible Studies

It is vital for Christians to regularly meet with other Christians to help each other grow as followers of Jesus. Small groups and Bible studies meet throughout the week and enable people to study and apply Scripture to their lives, pray for one another, hold one another accountable, and laugh and share life together.

If you'd like to learn more about finding a small group outside of our normal sign-up periods (typically Aug./Sept. and Jan.), please contact us.


Sunday Morning Classes​


Classes are chosen to help us grow in the three types of authentic relationships that are important to us at Friedens: our relationship with God (UP), our relationships with other believers (IN), and our relationships in the community and world, particularly with those who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ (OUT)

These classes meet Sundays from January 5th-February 9th.



This class is for anyone interested in becoming a member of Friedens or who is interested in learning more (or getting a refresher) about the church. Led by Brandon Lemons.


This interactive class will dig into the passages that complement the January sermon series. Along the way, we will learn and practice methods of studying the Bible, which will equip participants to handle the Bible with greater confidence and competence in the future. Led by Josh Carl. 


Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table by Louie Giglio shares practical ways to overcome the Enemy’s lies and instead find peace and security in any challenging circumstance or situation by drawing from Psalm 23 as a framework. Led by Greg Masslich.

Men's, Women's, &

Family Ministries

Friedens' Men's and Women's Ministries offer opportunities to connect and grow through Bible studies, social activities, service projects, conferences, and more.


Because Friedens values multi-generational ministry, we also have many activities that are geared for the entire family to enjoy: potluck meals, Christmas caroling, game nights, photo scavenger hunts, and more. 

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