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New Sermon Series: The Heart of Christmas

By Brandon Lemons

For the first time since April, we are starting a new sermon series. It is called “The Heart of Christmas” and will look at God’s heart, which compelled Him to send His Son into the world.

This series will take a unique look at Christmas through a passage that isn’t a typical part of Christmas celebrations. I’m referring to Matthew 11:28-30, where Jesus said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” These three verses are a source of comfort for many. Within them is a remarkable self-disclosure from Jesus about who He is, what is at the core of His character, and what He wants people to experience. Although Matthew 11:28-30 is not a passage about Jesus’ birth, the truths it reveals about Jesus shed light on why God came to earth in human form, especially in a shockingly humble way.

If I were to offer a one-sentence description of this series using technical terms, I’d say it’s a theology of the incarnation through the lens of Matthew 11:28-30. “Incarnation” means “embodied in flesh.” For Christians, the incarnation refers to God taking on flesh in the person of Jesus. If you enjoy digging into theology, I think this series will be appealing and thought-provoking!

Yet this series will also be immensely practical. Matthew 11:28-30 shows us that Jesus meets us where we are – particularly in our struggles. We all have times when we feel “weary and burdened.” Jesus meets us there but doesn’t want to leave us there. He wants to give us rest for our souls. This is a major reason why He came into the world in the first place!

I am excited about a fresh perspective on Christmas as we study Jesus’ birth through the lens of Matthew 11:28-30. Even if you aren’t in the routine of attending worship services in person, I hope you will do so this Christmas season! It’s great to be able to celebrate Jesus in the company of others. If you are not able to make it in person for one or more weeks, the services and sermons will be available online. This Christmas season, I pray we will each be captivated by the wonder of Jesus’ birth.


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