By Charissa Toeller
By now, hopefully you’ve seen and heard announcements that we’re looking for kids and adults who are interested in acting. Now that we have a basic idea of how many people are interested in acting, we can share some more details about our Christmas program which will be part of the service on Sunday, December 17th with rehearsals on Mondays at 6:30pm beginning October 30th. This year’s script calls for adult and teen actors. So we are inviting interested adults and teens (8th grade and older) to come to an audition on Monday, October 23rd at 6:30pm. This audition will be table-read style, meaning that you’ll get a script that evening, and Paul Grady (our director) may have you read for more than one part. There is some flexibility with our script--we can scale the number of parts up or down to a certain extent--but please be aware that it is an audition, and part assignments aren’t guaranteed. If you have any questions please contact the church office. Sign up to AUDITION HERE. Important note: please sign up whether or not you signed up for the acting interest list. But what if you’re a younger actor, or can’t make December 17th work, or don’t end up being cast in this program?
We hope that this will be the beginning of more opportunities to be part of dramas in the service! If you haven’t signed up for our ongoing list of people interested in acting, please do! Sign up for the ONGOING ACTING LIST HERE.
There will also be an additional opportunities JUST FOR KIDS: the 3K-8th grade Sunday School classes will be invited to sing a song in the service as part of our kids’ choir on December 17th, and kids (strong readers in 2nd grade-7th grade) can also sign up to do advent readings for a service during the Christmas season. Sign up for ADVENT READINGS here. Why not do a large-scale kids production like we have the last few years?
While we’ve had great turnout and lots of fun with the kids programs, they’ve been increasingly difficult to pull together due to the busy schedules of families, the limited number of volunteer hours, and extensive staff hours needed to run anything involving a large number of kids! Busy schedules have created a volunteer vacuum in many of Friedens’ ministries, and staff can only cover so many responsibilities. So if there is something that you would love to be a part of or that you miss being part of, watch for those volunteer and leadership opportunities! We love to see more adults get involved in serving our church family, particularly with supporting and shepherding our Friedens kids!